PGCon2010 - Final Release III

PGCon 2010
The PostgreSQL Conference

Jim Nasby
Day Talks - 2 - 2010-05-21
Room DMS 1140
Start time 10:00
Duration 01:00
ID 274
Event type Lecture
Track Case Studies
Language used for presentation English

Online financial services & Postgres

Staking our claim on open source technologies

Enova Financial provides online financial services to under-served consumers in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

What originally started with a handful of people and a small application running on MySQL has grown into a multi-million dollar business running on Postgres. In an environment where downtime costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a minute, we continue to stake our claim on open source technologies, including Postgres, Skytools, Ruby on Rails and Linux.

In this talk, we will explain

  • How we're using Postgres

  • Why we switched from MySQL

  • Why we chose Postgres

  • What challenges we face using Postgres