PGCon2010 - Final Release III

PGCon 2010
The PostgreSQL Conference

Robert Treat
Day Talks - 2 - 2010-05-21
Room DMS 1150
Start time 13:30
Duration 01:00
ID 257
Event type Lecture
Track DBA
Language used for presentation English

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What Your Postgres Databases Wishes You Would Monitor

Compared to many proprietary systems, Postgres tends to be pretty straight forward to run. However, if you want to get the most from your database, you shouldn't just set it and forget it, you need to monitor a few key pieces of information to keep performance going. This talk will review several key metrics you should be aware of, and explain under which scenarios you may need additional monitoring.

Compared to many proprietary systems, Postgres tends to be pretty straight forward to run. However, if you want to get the most from your database, you shouldn't just set it and forget it, you need to monitor a few key pieces of information to keep performance going. This talk will review several key metrics you should be aware of, and explain under which scenarios you may need additional monitoring.