PGCon2011 - Add 4 Video (2015.09.18)

PGCon 2011
The PostgreSQL Conference

Magnus Hagander
Selena Deckelmann
Day Talks - 1 - 2011-05-19
Room DMS 1160
Start time 17:30
Duration 01:00
ID 369
Event type Lightning-Talk
Language used for presentation English

Lightning talks

Short sharp descriptions of short topics

A regular feature, PGCon will have a Lightning talks session, with presentations on diverse topics.

The format remains essentially the same: in a one hour period, audiences are entertained and informed by a rapid fire series of short talks on interesting new or on-going work by individuals or groups. Slides aer permitted, but not obligatory; pictures are highly recommended. Topic areas include new open source software projects, works in progress for future releases of existing projects, student projects, etc. Lightning talks topics this year may make good conference papers next year!

The number of slots is limited, and experience suggests there will be more takers than slots. Sign up well in advance to be assured a spot. The session chair this year is Selena Deckelmann.