PGCon2014 - Final Release

PGCon 2014
The PostgreSQL Conference

Magnus Hagander
Day Talks - Day 1 - Thu May 22 - 2014-05-22
Room Morisset 256
Start time 10:00
Duration 00:45
ID 708
Event type Lecture
Track DBA
Language used for presentation English

PostgreSQL Replication Security

When setting up a distributed system, few forget to consider things like performance, latency and availability, but the security aspects are often overlooked. Both from an attackers perspective, and from an increased security perspective. PostgreSQL has a very flexible security system, which should be used to secure the replication itself, and could be used to improve application security. This presentation will contain an overview of the different security options available, how to use them, and some references to good and bad things seen in the wild.

When setting up a distributed system, few forget to consider things like performance, latency and availability, but the security aspects are often overlooked. Both from an attackers perspective, and from an increased security perspective. PostgreSQL has a very flexible security system, which should be used to secure the replication itself, and could be used to improve application security. This presentation will contain an overview of the different security options available, how to use them, and some references to good and bad things seen in the wild.