PGCon2014 - Final Release
PGCon 2014
The PostgreSQL Conference
James Hanson

James Hanson is a developer / project manager / DBA working on Information Assurance applications for Parsons Corp. and the US Government. He came to PostgreSQL as a reformed Oracle developer. Once he (finally) saw the light, James and his colleagues at Parsons Corp, have been moving everything they can from Oracle RDBMS to PostgreSQL.
James has been working with relational databases for nearly 20 years, but only came to PostgreSQL in the last two. With PostgreSQL, he found a platform where Information Assurance data, IPs, subnet masks and mac-addresses, can be treated like a network treats them. This revelation has opened up new possibilities - and a lot of time that had been spent trying to do this with other platforms!
James is also a bit test-happy with a CISSP, CSEP, PMP plus certifications from Oracle and Cloudera (for Apache Hadoop). He loves beer (brewing and drinking), bikes (road and mountain) and books. He'd love to share any of the three at PGCon.
james dot hanson at parsons dot com