PGCon2015 - final

PGCon 2015
The PostgreSQL Conference

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Day Talks - Day 4 - Friday - 2015-06-19
Room DMS 1140
Start time 11:00
Duration 00:45
ID 759
Event type Lecture
Track Hacking
Language used for presentation English

GSoC2014 - Sharing Code and Experience

This presentation is about my experience in the FOSS world and contributing to PostgreSQL as a Google Summer of Code 2014 student.

In this presentation I'll talk about all my involvement with the FOSS world and how it change my life and career in many ways.

I'll explain how Google Summer of Code works and the importance of this program to the open-source communities. Some points covered: - who can apply - how to apply - how you can help the PostgreSQL community - principal events

Also I will explain my experience with Google Summer of Code 2014 implementing the "ALTER TABLE <name> SET {LOGGED | UNLOGGED}" statement that will be release in the next version 9.5. I'll explain the main challenges I have been solved during the coding, the design that we choose and the actual limitations. Future work and improvements in this area will be explained too.