PGCon2018 - 2.5

PGCon 2018
The PostgreSQL Conference

Federico Campoli
Day Talks - Day 2: Friday - 2018-06-01
Room DMS 1110
Start time 10:00
Duration 00:45
ID 1145
Event type Lecture
Track Applications
Language used for presentation English


MySQL to PostgreSQL replica made easy

pg_chameleon is a lightweight replication system written in python. The tool can connect to the mysql replication protocol and replicate the data changes in PostgreSQL.

pg_chameleon is a lightweight replication system written in python. The tool can connect to the mysql replication protocol and replicate the data changes in PostgreSQL.

Whether the user needs to setup a permanent replica between MySQL and PostgreSQL or perform an engine migration, pg_chamaleon is the perfect tool for the job.

The talk will cover the history the current implementation and the future releases.

The audience will learn how to setup a replica from MySQL to PostgreSQL in few easy steps. There will be also a coverage on the lessons learned during the tool’s development cycle.