PGCon2018 - 2.5

PGCon 2018
The PostgreSQL Conference

Dan Langille
Day Tutorials - Day 2 & Unconference: Wednesday - 2018-05-30
Room Red Lion
Start time 15:00
Duration 04:00
ID 1259
Event type Other
Track Social
Language used for presentation English

Registration pickup

The social way to register: at the Red Lion

This is your first chance to pick up your registration pack. Stop by the Red Lion at 47 Clarence St, Ottawa (near Parent Ave) and get your registration pack.

You'll help us avoid long line ups on Thursday morning and you get to have a beer, and chat with your fellow attendees. We guarantee you'll spot someone famous.

Registration packs will be available in the main area of the conference talks, each day from about 45 minutes before the talks start.